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Paul Garcia | C/Fernan Knight, N9, 11009, Cadiz | | T. 601271729

Herbalife Formula 1:

The smoothie that increases your well-being

best sellers

Explore our selection of Herbalife's best-selling products. Each one, from nutritious Formula 1 shakes to specialized H24 supplements, has been chosen for its quality and proven results. Discover your favorites here.


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Pack TAF (Oats, Aloe, Tea) – Herbalife

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Opiniones de Nuestros Clientes

Experiencias Reales con Productos Herbalife

  • Good complement to my routine

    “I have incorporated the Herbalife shake into my breakfast and I feel more energetic during the day. It's not miraculous, but it's a good addition to my diet and exercise.”

    Luisa Fernanda Reyes

  • Moderate results

    “I have been using Herbalife products for a month and I have noticed a slight weight loss. It's not as fast as I expected, but I'm seeing gradual changes in my body.”

    Pedro Gomez

  • Taste better than expected

    “I have tried other supplements and the truth is that the taste was always a problem for me. Herbalife has quite acceptable flavors and that has made it easier for me to maintain consistency in its use.”

    Ramon Navarro

  • Practical and nutritious

    “Herbalife products are very practical for me as I am always on the run. I don't always have time to prepare healthy meals and this helps me stay on track with my nutrition goals.”

    Susana M.

  • Batido razoável para dias atarefados

    “O batido Fórmula 1 da Herbalife é uma opção aceitável quando não tenho tempo para preparar o café da manhã. Não é excepcional, mas cumpre o seu papel.”

    Márcio Soares

  • Un batido que se adapta a mi día

    “l batido Fórmula 1 de Herbalife se ha convertido en mi desayuno preferido cuando no tengo tiempo de preparar algo más elaborado. Me mantiene lleno hasta la hora del almuerzo.”

    Cliente Anónimo

  • A good start to change habits

    “Herbalife has helped me start a change in my eating habits. Although I don't rely exclusively on these products, they have served as a springboard to a healthier life.”

    Martina S.M.

  • Energía sostenida con Té Herbalife

    “He sustituido mi café matutino por el Té Concentrado Herbalife y he notado una diferencia en mis niveles de energía. No hay picos y caídas como antes, pero sigo extrañando mi café.”

    Usuario Anónimo

  • Experiencia mixta con los suplementos

    “Empecé a tomar los suplementos Multivitaminas de Herbalife para mejorar mi nutrición general. No he notado cambios drásticos, pero creo que es un buen soporte para mi dieta actual.”

    Cliente Anónimo

  • Proteína personalizada

    “Utilizo la Proteína Personalizada en Polvo de Herbalife para aumentar mi ingesta de proteínas después del gimnasio. Es fácil de mezclar y no tiene ese sabor arenoso que tienen otros polvos de proteína.”

    Valeria Sandoval

  • Snacks saludables que realmente disfruto

    “Los Barritas con Proteína de Herbalife son mis snacks entre comidas. No son tan dulces como las barras de chocolate que solía comer y eso me parece positivo para mi meta de reducir el azúcar.”

    Jaime Rosales

  • Proteína para o pós-treino

    “Estou usando o Pó de Proteína Personalizado da Herbalife após meus treinos. Não é nada de especial, mas é prático e mais saboroso que outros que já experimentei.”

    Luísa Barros

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